Just doing it with just do it meme generators

Apes sitting on a branch looking at a Neanderthal

The message is simple, nothing happens without effort on our part, or more precisely: no pain no gain. By not daring to venture out of our comfort zone, we are laying the foundations for a future of regrets as we ponder on what could have been.

Tennis play crounching down in defeat

Just do it memes and phrases are designed to prevent procrastination. Either by pointing out nothing changes without action, or greatness is achievable. They’re also a weapon used by marketers, particularly of the internet variety. Although their ultimate objective is to inspire us to buy their merchandise.

Meme generators Top part of woman athlete with a look of concentration meme

Materials for just do it memes

Inspiration quotes are okay by themselves, but adding an inspiring image creates a lethal combo. All that remains is a method to bring the two together, and for this we have meme generators.

Just do it meme quotes

Any quote inspiring people to take action, instead of just dreaming, is going to hit the sweet spot. Quotes urging people to just do it are fairly generic, they don’t often target people in specific situations.

10 just do it phrases to get you started

A good attempt beats a good excuse.
Begin unknown, end unforgettable.
Dreams are the seeds of passion.
Greatness is earned, never awarded.
I don't care what you do.
If you can help, don't talk about it.
Never fear perfection, it doesn't exist.
Nothing is born without labor.
Obsession is how lazy people refer to dedication.
Success always begins with one step outside your comfort zone.
Woman staring out to sea meme

Just do it for your business

If you’re wondering whether or not memes urging people to dare to take the plunge are a worthwhile marketing strategy, just ask NIKE. The famous sportswear provider uses a sublime approach to creating brand awareness, and it works!

Woman laid on a bed day dreaming meme

10 more just do it quotes

"The best way to predict the future is to create it, just do it!"
The impossible is in need of redefining,
The ones who say you can't are the ones who fear you will.
The path of least resistance is the one of least reward.
There are only two types of people: those that should and those that do.
There are those have reasons not to do it, and those that just do it!
This time next year, you'll be wishing you had started today.
Throw caution to the wind and just do it
Well done is better than well said
You may delay, but time won't.

Just doing it for fun

While failing to achieve may be no laughing matter, it doesn’t mean we can’t add a touch of humor to our memetic creations. Attributing a quote to the wrong person is one way. Or as the Donald Trump meme shows, anything is possible, even when the achiever is totally void of any discernible charms or skills.

Donald Trump standing outside the White House meme

Best images for just do it memes

While not all images will suffice, we’re not limited to just one type. So as not to obscure the image, I prefer the ones that have space for text, to the sides, and or top, of the focus area. We also have the abilty to create a two image meme and then paste it into any other generator.

  • An image of the person the quote is attributed to.
  • A famous and successful person, such as a sports personality.
  • A smug looking character who appears to have achieved their goals.
  • The results of a challenging achievement, such as climbing a mountain.
  • Someone in a highly competitive situation.
Man standing on top of a mountain holding his arms in the air

We also have the option of placing the text over a plain or patterned background. Usually: in these circumstances, the caption is bold and centered both horizontally and vertically. Alternatively: you may already have a picture of your own awaiting a quote of inspiration.

Man wearing a suit holding a glass of wine meme Meme generators

The quote and image compiler

Here’s where we get down to the nitty gritty. Options to place text exactly where we want, and style it to suit the purpose, should be the cornerstones of every good meme maker.

Let’s also not forget that we sometimes only need part of the whole image. The ability to focus on a particular area and cut out the rest, could mean the difference between an average and a super cool meme.


We’ve seen that there’s no shortage of materials to inspire people to take positive action, not to mention, remind them they are in charge of their own destiny. So what are you waiting for, memes don’t make themselves!

Meme generators